All teams will have 20,000 seat stadiums and a ticket price of $30. You
can check your payroll as well as projected expenses and income on the
finances link above your Roster. All teams are expected to break even
or make money.
Blatant disregard for the financial rules could result in the GM being
dismissed from the league.
HBHL teams should strive to have a positive bank balance at the end of
the playoffs each season. Teams that are not positive at the end of the
playoffs will have their protection limit reduced. The criteria for
waiver protection lowering is (final financial standing --- reduction):
- $>0 ------------------------------ 9 players protected
- $ 0 to $-999,999 ----------------- 8 players protected
- $-1,000,000 to $-1,999,999 ----- 7 players protected
- $-2,000,000 to $-3,999,999 ----- 6 players protected
- $-4,000,000 or more ------------ dismissal from the league
No team can finish in the negative to any extent two years in
a row. GMs will be dismissed from the league if this occurs.
Once a team has ended a year in the negative, due to limitations in the
sim funds will not be credited (or debited) for that team (i.e. no
participation awards throughout the season). GMs who decide to go this
route will have to get themselves back into positive finances before
normal funds transfers will occur. Players may be traded to reduce
payroll, and money may also be involved in deals to get the budget
under control. A GM may only trade money that the team currently has in
the bank.
Other Income
There are a number of ways teams can earn income in HBHL. Besides
income from Game Revenue, money can also be obtained in Playoff Revenue
and trades. Award winners will NOT be awarded any money from the
league. There are also two programs administered by the league that can
generate money for teams: Endorsements and Participation.
Endorsements - SUSPENDED FOR THE forseeable future
At the beginning of each
HBHL season, teams will be giving the opportunity to earn funds through
Endorsements. Funds will be paid out at the end of the regular season
for this program. Teams will select one endorsement from a list of
available packages for which they think their team will be able to
achieve the applicable criteria. Each endorsement costs the team a
certain dollar amount upfront - if successful at the end of the season,
the team earns twice the money they anted up. Selections must be made
at the beginning of the regular season and teams can only spend what
they have in their bank account at the time.
Endorsement | Cost | Payoff | Criteria |
Subway | $600,000 | $1,200,000 | At least 40 goals scored by named player on a team |
Nike | $800,000 | $1,600,000 | At least 100 points scored by a named player on a team |
CCM | $500,000 | $1,000,000 | Team earns a playoff berth |
Molson | $500,000 | $1,000,000 | A named player earns 55 or more assists |
Roto-Rooter | $300,000 | $600,000 | Team records a .350 record or greater during the season |
The Probert | $500,000 | $1,000,000 | Highest PIM |
CHL | $500,000 | $1,000,000 | Farm team ranks #1 through regular season |
Tim Hortons | $500,000 | $2,000,000 | Team is #1 in conference through regular season |
Ford | $500,000 | $3,000,000 | Team wins the Stanley Cup |
Every 20 games of the regular season schedule, GMs will submit a Top 10
of the highest participating GMs (in their opinion). For submitting a
list, teams will earn $50,000; the penalty for not submitting a list is
you cannot win your awards, if you are deemed the winner. You cannot
vote for yourself. The votes will be tallied and the Top 5 vote getters
will get payouts of $500,000; $400,000; $300,000; $200,000, and
$100,000, respectively. (total of $6,000,000 available during the year:
$1,500,000 x 4 twenty game segments). No team will be able to earn more
than $1,000,000/year from this program. If you reach the $1,000,000
cap, the award goes to the next ranked team. Monies will be paid out
throughout the regular season. The number of lines teams submit per
participation segment will also be added into their tally on a
one-for-one basis before determining the winner. So the more lines GMs
send in, the more influence they may have on the outcome of the voting.
HBHL Hockey Trivia Challenge
Throughout the season, there
will be one hockey trivia question posted on the front of the webpage.
All teams that submit a correct answer will get one point. At the end
of the season, the GM in first place will receive $500,000, second
$300,000, and third $100,000. For each correct answer submitted, teams
will receive $10,000 which will get paid out at the end of the season.
Free Agents
There are two types of free agents in the HBHL. Restricted free agents
are players whose contract expires and are 29 years of age or younger.
teams they are on have the right to match any offer given to them, or
they have the right to compensation from the new team. Unrestricted
free agents are players 30 and over whose contracts expire (ie. players
age 29 in the current sim-year will become UFAs in following
off-season). The team they are on may have the right to a small amount
of compensation from the league. Free agents will be allowed to talk to
other teams when the Free Agency period opens about one month priort
(typically February) to the trade deadline and again in the summer
after the entry draft.
During the February pre-signing period, teams are limited in the number
of UFAs they can pre-sign. From
the 2008-09 Season and ongoing, two (2) UFAs can be presigned per team
(increased to 3 only for the 2010-2011 season due to the lowering of
the UFA age). During the summer period, the Player
Agent (Shawn) will group certain Free agents together for offers. The
players will have updated ratings after the Playoffs. The league
maximum for contracts is $9,250,000 base salary per year (but can be
exceeded if signing bonuses are included).
In order to maintain the "restricted status" of a restricted free
agent, the original team must place a qualifying offer before the Free
Agency period. All GMs will be notified when it is time to place
qualifying offers on their Restricted Free Agents (typically in July). This qualifying
offer will be no less than 110% of the player's current salary and
represents what the team is bound to pay the player if no other team
bids on their services. If a team does not place a qualifying offer,
then the player will be considered an unrestricted free agent. Teams
that do not qualify said player, who is now unrestricted, cannot
receive UFA compensation for that player should they sign with another
team no matter their new contract value. Also,
if a team trades the rights to a UFA in the off-season, that team is no
longer entitled to bid on the services of that UFA.
Signing bonuses may not total more than 1/3 of the total contract (ie.
a 1-year deal at $4M per season can have a maximum signing bonus of
$2M. The amount of signing bonus offered to Restricted Free Agents is
to be negotiated with the Player Agent during both the pre-signing
period and Free Agency. Unrestricted Free Agents are always permitted
to have the signing bonus worth 1/3 of the total contract.
Compensation (RFA)
When a Restricted Free Agent signs an offer sheet, the player's current
team has the right to match or to accept compensation. The team has a
few days to decide on which option they are going to take. Compensation
can either be negotiated between the two teams or if no agreement can
be reached the compensation will be as described in the following table:
$400,000 TO $600,000 = 3RD ROUND DRAFT PICK
$601,000 TO $1,250,000 = 2ND ROUND DRAFT PICK
$1,250,001 TO $1,750,000 = 1ST ROUND DRAFT PICK
$1,750,001 TO $2,250,000 = 1ST ROUND DRAFT PICK and 3RD ROUND DRAFT PICK
$2,250,001 TO $2,750,000 = 1ST ROUND DRAFT PICK and 2ND ROUND DRAFT PICK
$2,750,001 TO $3,500,000 = 1ST ROUND DRAFT PICK and 1 60-65 rated player
$3,500,001 TO $5,000,000 = 1ST ROUND DRAFT PICK and 1 63-68 rated player
$5,000,001 TO $7,500,000 = 1ST ROUND DRAFT PICK and 1 65-71 rated player
$7,500,001 AND ABOVE = 1ST ROUND DRAFT PICK and 1 68-74 rated player
*these values may change at any time. The player rating is only a
suggestion - player potential and age will also be a consideration
(this note applies to all ranges shown)
The player mentioned in the compensation will be decided upon by the
Arbitrator(s). Both teams will make their case as to who they think
should be involved for compensation and the Arbitrator(s) will make a
decision based on all information available.
Signing Restricted Free Agents (RFAs)
I would just like to make sure that everyone understands exactly how
Restricted Free Agency and Qualifying Offers work in the HBHL. There
are two ways to go about signing your RFAs:
1. Negotiate and sign your RFA prior to the spring trade deadline.
Going this route removes any risk to you as the GM but may require
slightly higher priced contracts to get the deal done.
2. The second route involves negotiations in the off season
during the Free Agency period. The Free Agency period is after the
playoffs, the waiver draft and the entry draft. It should also be noted
that the trading freeze has been lifted by this time. This second route
or Qualifying Offer (QO) period is a little more complex. First you
must decide if you want to offer your RFA a QO. A QO is a 10% raise for
a contract length of one year, no negotiations required.
* If you do not offer your RFA a QO, he becomes an Unrestricted Free
Agent (UFA) and is available to the highest bidder with minimal
compensation to your team.
* If you decide to offer your player a QO, your player remains a RFA
but will listen to other offers from the other GMs in the league. The
player will take the best offer he receives and then you, as the owner
of this RFA, get the option of matching the best offer or accepting the
fairly lucrative compensation.
* If the player receives no offers better than the QO, then the player
will accept your QO.
It should also be made clear that during the QO period, any GM
including the GM who currently owns the players rights may bid on any
UFA or RFA. In the case of a RFA turned UFA, you may be able to sign
him for less than his current contract. In the case of a RFA receive a
QO, this means that although you offered your player a QO of only +10%
for one year, you may also offer a more lucrative contract for any
amount greater and/or longer than the QO.
Choosing this QO route as opposed to the Spring Trade Deadline route
allows you as a GM to take advantage of any possible compensation. The
risk is you may lose the services of this player, but receive
compensation, because you are unable or not willing to pay him what
another GM is willing to.
Compensation (UFA)
When Unrestricted Free Agents sign a new contract with a new team the
old team will be eligible for compensation from the league as follows:
$ league minimum (currently $400,000) to $1,499,999 = NO COMPENSATION
$1,500,00 to $2,999,999 = 3rd Round Pick
$3,000,000 to $5,499,999 = 2nd Round Pick
$5,500,000 and above = 1st Round Pick
*This compensation may change at any time (and will likely change in
upcoming season due to the UFA pre-signing changes implemented)
These compensatory picks will be for the next season's Entry Draft. These compensatory picks will be at the end of the round, in order of highest paid player lost to lowest paid player lost (tiebreakers for same yearly salary (in this order): longer length, higher base salary (ie. w/o SB), coin flip). These compensatory picks can only be traded after the completion of the waiver draft (leaving on average a two week to one month window during which they are tradeable). They cannot be used as part of the matching compensation due to an RFA signing.
Trading of newly signed UFAs
Teams are permitted to trade newly signed UFAs freely according to the following criteria:
Player OV rate | Restriction |
60 or lower | none |
61 to 66 | cannot be traded until after Christmas |
67 to 73 | cannot be traded until one week before the trade deadline (variable date) |
74 or higher | cannot be traded until after the playoffs |
Any unrestricted Free Agents that do not sign with a team (ie. receive
no offers) will remain Unrestricted Free Agents until they are offered
a contract that they choose to accept. Any Unrestricted Free Agent that
does not sign with any team after a certain length of time will be
retired from the HBHL with his rights belonging to the last team he was
Euro-Bound UFAs
In the rare situation where a pending UFA in HBHL is determined to be leaving the NHL for Europe, said player will be retired from the HBHL with 0 contract years remaining under the last known team of affiliation (on the HO/Ret List). However, should said player return to the NHL (and therefore HBHL) at a later date, that player will be returned immediately to the HBHL after an open bidding auction to determine which team he will join (if he returns mid-season, otherwise the player will simply join the regular Free Agency available list - in either situation no former team will receive compensation for this player as they left the NHL originally and were UFAs) The player will receive an appropriate one-year contract as determined by the Player Agent.
Euro-Bound RFAs
These players will simply sign for their qualifying offer, and therefore if/when they are re-instated to the league, they will have a one year contract.
Salaries are shown on the player vitals page, as well as the length of
their contracts. A player on the pro team will receive his full
contract amount. A player on the farm team will receive 10% of his
salary. When a player is called up to the pro league, you will pay him
his full salary. The league minimum is $400,000 per year. The league
maximum is tied directly to the NHLs highest played player (currently $9,250,000 not including
signing bonuses).
OV rating
Can player go on
Can player go to the
great or equal to 67
63-66 AND salary +$2,000,000
63-66 AND salary $2,000,000 or
Yes, if clears waivers
Forwards/Goalies 62 or less;
Defenceman 63 or less
yes anytime, no restrictions, waivers
(66 or less by default) |
yes anytime, no restrictions, waivers
To place a player on waivers, GMs must send an email to the league simmer, who will notify the league of the request. GMs interested in claiming said player must send the league simmer an email requesting selection within 48 hours of the notification email. A player on waivers may be claimed by any team according to the following priority: the team that is currently lowest in the standings (at the time of the notification email) has top priority when claiming players off waivers. Once a team has selected a player off the waiver list, they move to the bottom of the prioirity list for subsequent waiver offerings. Any player that is claimed on waivers must remain in the new team's PRO Roster, or clear waivers again. Any team claiming a player on waivers must pay the old team $50,000. Any player that clears waivers may be sent to the farm team (see table below for exceptions). Any player already on the farm roster who is placed on waivers may be placed on the new team's farm roster.
Special Injury Status Player (ISP)
Each team may choose to 'suspend' one player on their team if he has played less than 15 total regular season hockey games the previous NHL hockey season (note: other league games will count as games played as well - AHL, ECHL, Junior, European leagues, etc). GMs will be required to send a link to the league simmer with proof that said player meets this games played requirement. This suspended player will be given holdout (HO) status in the sim and placed on the team's farm roster and thereby will not be paid his salary. The player will remain 'suspended' until the following waiver draft (once trading reopens) and the designation of this player as 'suspended' may only be made before the HBHL regular season begins (league management will request your choice before the season begins). Also, this player will NOT count towards roster requirements for teams. Trading of these players is however still possible at anytime (other than the usual trade embargo period).
Other notes:Buy Outs
Players that are given their outright release from a team will have to
be paid 1/6 of their remaining contract.
Contract Negotiations
All players are represented by an Agent. Shawn will be the agent for
all players (excluding Minnesota). After Christmas all teams may begin
negotiations with their players and the Agents (one player at a time).
Players in the last year of their contract may be offered contract
extentions (voiding the current deal and signing a new one taking
effect at that point) to a maximum of 5 years during this time. Players
cannot extend their contracts unless they are in the final year of
their contract. During the summer offseason, the maximum contract
offered will be 4 years.
Negotiation Trends
Players who are having a good NHL season or UFAs may want to test the
Free Agency waters. While players having poor NHL seasons or RFAs will
tend to want to get a deal done before their contract runs out.
*Players will not negotiate with teams that are negative in the either
the current or projected balances. Players will also not negotiate with
teams who already have 50 players under contract.
Both Restricted and Unrestricted Free Agents will negotiate with any
team that shows interest in them once Free Agency starts.
In general, Free Agents will sign with the team that offers them the
most money. Generally younger players who have not had their "breakout"
year will be looking for short term deals. Older players nearing the
end of their career will be looking for longer deals. In most cases
players will have a loyalty factor to their current team. This means if
their current team offers them slightly less than the highest offer the
player may consider staying put. Players may also be swayed by other
situations than money in some instances. Like in the NHL, teams that
are contenders may have an easier time signing certain Free Agents.
Teams that have promising future may also have an easier time signing
certain Free Agents. Basically, when making offers to the Agents on a
certain player, besides the contract value and length, you may also
want to include other reasons the player might want to sign with you!
Entry Draft Players will always sign for 3 years for the amounts shown
for said player on the NHLPA website, if available. If it is not shown,
they will be assigned the following: 1st rounder - $1,000,000; 2nd
rounder - $700,000; 3rd rounder - $450,000.
Each GM must have 20 players on their PRO roster. The remainder will be
SCRATCHES or on the FARM roster, for a minimum of 27 players and a
maximum of 50 players (which may not be exceeded at any time according
to the sim and because the HBHL does not employ the 'Prospects' feature
in FHL at this time) in the system. Of these 20 on the PRO roster, a
minimum of 3-Cmen, 3-LWers, 3-RWers, 6-Dmen and 2-Goalies (total=17)
must be DRESSED, the remaining 3 may be of any position (except
goalie). Teams must also have a minimum of 5-Cmen, 5-LWers, 5-RWers,
9-Dmen and 3-Goalies in their system, TOTAL=27. FAILURE TO MEET THESE
ROSTER REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. Holdouts do not count because they can not
play! It is the coach's responsibility to add a player back in the
lineup after an injury or a suspension has occurred. Player position
changes will only be allowed if the player in question can be found
listed at the new position under the player profile section of one of
these webpages: www.nhl.com, www.nhlpa.com or www.tsn.ca . No other
source or reason will be accepted for an official position change.
The HBHL is using the FHL simulator. The GM Editor is provided on the
GAMES section of the web page. The League Files are also provided in
the GAMES section of the web page. Both of these are required to make
to pros or demotions to the farm, trades) OR ANY THING ELSE YOU WANT US
TO KNOW. Line changes must come in on a SEPARATE email.
Coaches are set to 'NOT' affect team play in FHL. Therefore the only
affect of a coach is for looks.
Backup Goalies
In the HBHL, backup goalies must be used for some of each teams' regular season starts. This rule is designed to prevent GM's from relying solely on their starter who may have excellent EN/DU rates and could be capable of starting >95% of a team's games. The rule states that upon completion of the regular season, each team's starting goalie cannot appear in more than 75 games (i.e. the team's backup(s) must start a minimum of 7 games). After 75 games, goalies cannot start or backup any more games during that regular season and the league simmer will force that team to play their backup for the remainder of the regular season (the starter will be made a HO or "holdout" for the remainder).
Also, there will be penalties for teams that are negligent in monitoring their starter/backup status. For each game that the league is forced to use a team's backup due to the above criteria, that team will be subject to a $100,000 per game fine. This fine will be up to a maximum of $700,000 for 7 games of the regular season (games 76 thru 82, inclusive). This fine is a disincentive for teams to play their backups with the goal of resting a starting goalie prior to the playoffs (teams should have done that throughout the regular season) or to 'throw' games hoping for a better entry/waiver draft position.
Owner suspensions may occur if the HBHL Committee feels that a
particular Owner has failed to do an important task (i.e. does not run
their respective team in a proper manner). If this occurs the Owner
will serve the suspension by his "Star Player" receiving a multi-game
suspension! (length of suspension will vary). If this becomes
repetitive, a new owner will be brought in to replace the failing
There are also some monetary penalties for non-participation
during the off-season. For non-submission of a waiver or entry draft
list without just cause and notification to the commishes, teams will
be penalized $750,000 for each missed list. For non-submission of an
awards ballot at the end of the regular season, there will be a
$250,000 fine. There is also a "3-strike" policy during the offseason
with regards to participation. Failure to send in tallies for the
awards ballot, a waiver draft list, or an entry draft list without just
cause and notification to the commishses will each individually count
as one strike against that particular GM (in addition to the fines).
Three strikes during the offseason will result in immediate dismissal
from the league.
The top 8 teams in each conference qualify for the playoffs. The first
place team will play the eighth place team, etc. Division winners are
seeded 1-2-3 regardless of point totals. All seeding for the playoffs
in each round is based on regular season finish. Series will be a best
of seven format.
During the playoffs, the league will also conduct a Playoff
Pick Pool. GMs will attempt to predict the winners and length
of each HBHL playoff matchup. They will get points for each correct
prediction throughout the four rounds of the playoffs (point system
subject to change). At the end of the playoffs, the winner will receive
$500,000, second place $300,000, and third place $100,000. The ongoing
results of the Pool will be updated on the website.
There are 3 Directors in this league, Trevor Scoffield, Shawn Pedersen
and Ross Litchfield.
Trevor's Responsibilities:
- Represent the league as a whole.
- Update and Post the web site, if necessary.
- Total and full control of the league and website (as much as I can
anyway, hehe).
- Backup game simmer, if necessary.
Shawn's Responsibilities:
- Represent the league as a whole.
- Player Negotiations
- Control of the free agency period.
- Total and full control of the league.
Ross's Responsibilities:
- Represent the league as a whole.
- Control of the Waiver Draft and Entry Draft.
- Total and full control of the league
Jamie's Responsibilities:
- Represent the league as a whole.
- Game simulation and other simulator functions.
- Confirm player transactions.
- Update and post the website.
- Total and full control of the league and website.
For more info on the League Committee, check out the website
under "Directors". This committee is formed for passing rules/polls or
destroying old rules. And also in matters of Owners concerns on various
issues on the League.